Friday, January 27, 2012

Transitions Are Like Vitamins

Transitions are tough.

They are like a One-A-Day vitamin.
You gag trying to swallow it.
Its bigger than a peppermint.
Can’t they come in smaller sizes?

Gulping down water,
the vitamin scrapes against your throat
and rests somewhere
between your mouth
and stomach.

More water is needed.
Gulp, gulp, gulp.

…15 minutes later
….nausea is your name.

Who tries taking a vitamin on an empty stomach?
You did.

Tomorrow comes,
its time to take your vitamin.
The memory of yesterday
is not forgotten today.

This time you have a plan.
You take a knife and slice
the vitamin in ha          lf.

With ease and confidence,
you swallow those halves.
Gulp, gulp, gulp.

…15 minutes later
….nausea is your name.

Who tries taking a vitamin on an empty stomach?
You did,

Tomorrow comes,
its time to take your vitamin.
The memory of yesterday
is not forgotten today.

This time you have a plan.
You swallow your halved vitamin,
Gulp, gulp, gulp.

And eat a piece of toast and jelly.

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